How Taoism Describes the Spiritual Path and the Three Worlds. A free offer to deepen your awareness of chi.
Lets begin this with a dedication;
Vibrate and rumble these words in your solar plexus area-
"May any good energy created by these efforts be for the real benefit and liberation of all sentient beings everywhere without exception."
Generate a real desire to help others with this work.
The Taoists view human beings in terms of three inseparable interpenetrating dimensions of existence called the three treasures physically present as the three tan tiens. These are Jing (essence, body), Chi (energy, breath) and Shen (spirit, mind). These distinctly different but totally interdependent aspects of human life are equivalent to the Three worlds model of core shamanism , the three brains of the forth way teachings, the three pills or 3 doors or 3 sacred spaces techniques of Tibetan Bonn tradition, the Tibetan Buddhist concept of the three Kaya: Dharmakaya (dimension of mind), Sambhogakaya (dimension of energy), and Nirmanakaya (dimension of body). These are three sacred spaces a human has access to, stillness, silence, and spaciousness.
The three Treasures compose the framework of human existence, the foundation of human life, and the basic ingredients in the internal alchemy of classical Taoist meditation, medicine and martial arts. An ancient Taoist text entitled, Classification of Therapies states: “Essence transforms into energy, and energy transforms into spirit.” This process of transformation and sublimation of energy is the basis of Taoist internal alchemy and is achieved by applying the corollary to the above equation. Spirit commands energy and energy commands essence. Known as the triplex unity, this formula means that the mind controls energy and energy controls the body, to ensure that the body produces energy and that energy sustains the mind.
The three Treasures compose the framework of human existence, the foundation of human life, and the basic ingredients in the internal alchemy of classical Taoist meditation, medicine and martial arts. An ancient Taoist text entitled, Classification of Therapies states: “Essence transforms into energy, and energy transforms into spirit.” This process of transformation and sublimation of energy is the basis of Taoist internal alchemy and is achieved by applying the corollary to the above equation. Spirit commands energy and energy commands essence. Known as the triplex unity, this formula means that the mind controls energy and energy controls the body, to ensure that the body produces energy and that energy sustains the mind.
Jing refers to the physical body, particularly its vital essence such as blood, hormones, enzymes, lymph, immune factors and other essential bodily components. Chi refers to the sum total of all the vital energies within the human system, and also to the constituent energies of each internal organ, gland, tissue and other functional part. Shen refers to pure primordial spirit as well as to the temporal aspects of spirit that define the human mind in all its various facets and functions. The Three Treasures of Life are only one aspect of a basic dimensional trinity present in most of the systems we pass on here, in taoist practice these along with the Three Powers (heaven, earth, humanity) and the Three Elixir Fields (naval, solar plexus, head) that runs through traditional Chinese philosophy, fuse the three major Taoist practices of meditation, medicine and martial arts into one unified system. Internal balance on each level of existence, physical, energetic and mental and harmony among all three are the keys to human health and longevity.
We want to lift our spirits, open our hearts, and feel excited again, finding purpose in the lives that lay before us.
Internationally renowned Qigong master Robert Peng wants to help you awaken that joy by opening your energy flow and tapping into your deeper, hidden reservoirs of love, wisdom, and vitality.
Robert will introduce you to Xi breathing, a powerful technique that stimulates the vagus nerve, which in turn opens your life-force energy, also known as Qi.
You can register here for Connect to Your Inner Joy Through Qigong’s Xi Breathing: Open Your Qi Flow to Awaken Wisdom, Vitality & a Loving Heart:
In this free 60-minute Qigong event, you’ll discover:
Robert will also lead you in a simple and graceful Qigong movement practice called “Eight Cycles” to make your body flexible — and flow like water.
You’ll gather heavenly Yang and earthly Yin energy and bring them together in harmony, clearing away blockages and reinvigorating your energy flow, giving you a renewed sense of vitality and bliss.
You can RSVP for free here:
P.S. In Connect to Your Inner Joy Through Qigong’s Xi Breathing: Open Your Qi Flow to Awaken Wisdom, Vitality & a Loving Heart, you’ll reinvigorate your energy flow, clear blockages, and cultivate a sense of wellbeing through Qigong’s Xi breathing technique and discover the spiritual abundance that awaits you.
You can register here:
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