fri april 24th Journal keeping for unreasonably happy mad scientists.
Friday April 24th
![]() | Taurus lunation. New phase. Taurus Mun Taurus Moon |
If you are willing to keep a diary- journal, notes from the new moon of one lunar cycle are enlightening to read at the end of that lunar cycle and again one large solar cycle(year) following the writing.
A journal is a celebrated tool used to keep track of exercises and record observations and dreams. Journals are essential in serious inner work. Note taking helps fix small details in the mind after such activities as waking from a dream, trance states, journeying or healing ceremonies. The way we take is one of experience rather than analysis and, what is , is definitely more valuable ( real), than what you write down yet many of the visionary experiences are too delicate to leave to ordinary recall. As this is a path that includes receiving oral teachings which come from the heart, writing and experience must be balanced such that experience gets the lions share.
A journal is a celebrated tool used to keep track of exercises and record observations and dreams. Journals are essential in serious inner work. Note taking helps fix small details in the mind after such activities as waking from a dream, trance states, journeying or healing ceremonies. The way we take is one of experience rather than analysis and, what is , is definitely more valuable ( real), than what you write down yet many of the visionary experiences are too delicate to leave to ordinary recall. As this is a path that includes receiving oral teachings which come from the heart, writing and experience must be balanced such that experience gets the lions share.
That being said, If you are a beginner you need to follow instructions exactly and when repeating experiments, to do so in exactly the same way. The procedure needs to be repeated in the identical way for results to be comparable. The same is true of observations. So intense discipline with keeping accurately worded and recorded exercises and practices etc., is paramount to the type of experiential learning we are indicating, almost as important as the discipline of practices and daily work every day.
A habit creating exercise.
60 day lunar awareness journal writing challenge= for the next 60 days, on arising, before starting your phone or computer or tablet etc etc, write 3 pages in a daily journal. Only check emails, texts, calls' social media etc., after you have finished the 3 pages of daily writing. Include the calendar date, the lunar and solar information, write the season, sun-sign we are in and moon phase and lunar sign we are in. If you know the week of the season we are in record this too. Put all this lunar and solar cycle info at the top of each page . Include dreams and anything you wish after that. Record any practices and spiritual work and inner reactions and observations etc. Make notes related to current projects engaged in and study notes for schoolwork as well. Plan and brainstorm. Correlate these life activities with the season and lunar phase via planned wholistically resonant activities and recorded observations of self . Eg Planting seeds for a garden in spring I feel happy.
Open to see your rhythms and patterns impartially. Use poetry and doodling as well as record keeping, lists and essays. Express whatever you wish as this is safe, no one has to read it but you. Journaling can safely express, and thereby process through creative writing, even the most violent or otherwise unsafe of patterns, in a safe self contained way. Many suggestions will be offered here, regularly, as to how to further make use of journaling for self inquiry.
Many aren't yet stable and ready to do journal experiments wherein they themselves are the lab the experiment and the scientist. This is absolutely fine. Do your best to impartially describe what is authentically proceeding through inner space and real time observations made...not subjective descriptions of your opinions about others guilt or blame etc.
For now, just accepting one's self and the life conditions as they are, with impartial attention is what is required. Sometimes seeing oneself (apperception) clearly, in action, and relaxing mechanically held postures and tensions in real time, is all that is needed to release limiting habits. Accepting is mabey a bad word to use here, what is meant is, working with impartial attention. Impartial attention on sensations in the now moment is how awakening always starts. Journals can help us see ourselves.
If we find ourselves unable to journal at this time, why aren't we free to do this practice? Do we wish to come back to it later?
Please consider a journal essential to integrating healing.
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