Daily morning shamanic practice.

My name is Jason Ford. I am a dedicated lifelong shamanic practitioner, on a path of service to the higher dimensions. This is my morning practice, enjoy.

May any good energy created by these efforts be for the real benefit and liberation of all sentient beings everywhere without exception

A little before sunrise, as I cross the bridge from sleeping dreams to waking dreams, I become aware of the heart beating with life, I sense the support of gravity and ground. Leaning into this sensation and intending to stay connected to being supported all day long. I quickly sense the energy, feeling it, and I call in a big smile, as I smile as big as possible. Once I have connected to this smiling energy I move it with my heart and mind and inner vision through each one of my organs, digestive track, my brain and spine, and from the spine the smiling energy spreads out into every cell. I like to imagine every single cell in my body is a smiling happy face beaming smiling energy.

I then get up and before doing anything for myself I make a water offering on a simple ancestor altar with a white table cloth and clear candle holder and bowl, saying “ My name is _________, I am of the _____ and ______ families ( mothers maiden name and fathers surname). I make this offering of water and love to my elevated unbroken ancestors. I am your child. I ask for power protection and guidance. Thank you for coming to my aid.

Following this sit for 10 minutes in deepest stillness, silence and spaciousness, just listening. In stillness I go into the stillness of the body. When I can sense the stillness of the body, I become aware of the stillness of the world around me, and go into this stillness into an even deeper level of stillness. Staying connected to stillness I become aware of silence by listening to the silence that all sounds sit in. A silence that does not require a lack of sound,a  deep eternal silence that all sounds sit in. This is usually very blissful. Staying connected to stillness and silence, I become aware of the spacious quality of mind by imagining a wide open cloudless sunlit  empty sky in my chest. I then be the sky. Eventually , resting in spaciousness, I begin to sense internal heat.  Resting in any sensations of heat or openess.  During this time visions and dreams may come from the Spirits so it is prudent to have a notebook and pen. Some times the help from the ancestors comes in the form of insights that will be forgoten if not written down. 

Blessings to you

 Daily morning practice instructions:

 On awakening;

 As you cross the bridge from sleeping dreams to waking dreams become aware of mother earth holding and supporting you, lean into this sensation, connect with it throughout the day. Feel the strong beating of your heart. inner smile. Feeling supported, connect with smiling energy, actually smiling your biggest smile. Smile and connect to the heart, Smile and connect with the spleen and stomach. Smile and connect with the lungs. Smile down to the kidneys feeling warmth. Smile to the liver and gall bladder. Now gather all the smiling energy at your third eye area . Smile to the mouth and gums, moving your tongue around your mouth. Gather some saliva and swallow in three gulps. Follow the smiling energy down to the stomach. Smile to the stomach, small intestines , large intestine to the anus. Gather the smiling energy once again at your mid brow. Smile to the eyes, eyes smiling. Move the smile back through the optic nerve into the brain. Feel the brain relax and smile. Smile down the spine. Move the smiling energy out through all the nerves that exit the spine into every cell of your body. Picture every cell in your body, with a beaming happy face. Staying connected to the smiling energy, immediately make a water offering to the elevated unbroken ancestors on a simple altar. Become present and offer a glass of water while saying, My name is _________, I am of the _____ and ______ families ( mothers maiden name and fathers surname). I make this offering of water and love to my elevated unbroken ancestors. I am your child. I ask for power protection and guidance. Thank you for coming to my aid. Following this sit for 10 minutes in deepest stillness, silence and spaciousness, just listening. At sunset one can offer a lit candle. By doing this on a daily basis you will start to develop a personal relationship with yourself on the physical, emotional, mental and energetic ( spiritual) levels.

Afilliate Links;

You may want to register for this hour with Don Oscar. It is completely free.

Have you been lonely or felt the weight of these past few years?

Are you struggling with anxiety, and feeling vulnerable and uncertain as you face the future?

don Oscar Miro-Quesada discovered a powerful way to meet and transform these very human feelings many years ago… through a deep shamanic journey that connected him with the healing wisdom of the sky beings of the Andean Highlands of Peru.

We all have the capacity to adopt shamanic ways of being, affirms this beloved Peruvian Maestro Curandero and renowned shamanism teacher… and you don’t need to be in the Peruvian Andes to do so. 

When you join don Oscar, you’ll discover how to make contact with the starlight of your origins — the cosmic wisdom and capacity for healing we’re all connected to.

You can register here for Discover Yourself as One With the Cosmos Through Shamanic Journeying: Encounter 5th Dimension Consciousness for Expanded Awareness & Healinghttps://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/sweg/a25670

In this soul-empowering hour, you’ll:

  • Hear don Oscar’s never fully told stories of his intimate befriending of Peru’s legendary sky beings, as well as historical accounts of interdimensional encounters and their impacts on humanity
  • Discover Fifth Dimensional Consciousness and how it can dissipate feelings of loneliness and despair while deepening your connection to Spirit  
  • Uncover your capacity to contact non-ordinary realities to access healing for yourself and others
  • Discover the power of stillness and peaceful surrender in aligning with sacred seen and unseen dimensions of life — a profound medicine for dark times
  • Experience a guided shamanic journey to activate the Merkabah of your human soul and access interstellar travel inwardly for expanded awareness and healing

You can RSVP for free here: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/sweg/a25670


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